20th Anniversary ‘Vodcast’: FLOCERT’s past, present and future
It is FLOCERT’s 20th Anniversary! So, FLOCERT has released its first ever ‘Vodcast,’ celebrating the occasion and discussing its past, present and future.
In these two decades since FLOCERT was founded, the company has developed into a leading ethical assurance provider. Listen to this conversation between two of FLOCERT’s most experienced colleagues looking back at the most important changes and explaining which methods we use today and in the future to ensure FLOCERTs services remain relevant and up to date.
Find out more about this episode's guests!
Ruth Fernandez Audera joined the Fairtrade family in 2002, working in auditing, certifying and also developing standards. She has overseen various innovation programmes and currently manages FLOCERT's Smart Assurance programme. She has a background in economics and is a senior student of environmental sciences. After living in the UK, Argentina and Germany, Ruth is now back in her hometown Madrid, Spain. She also really likes maps and can spend hours drawing up routes – quite successfully, as she is the unofficial guide of an unofficial hiking group that never gets lost too badly
Jannis Bellinghausen has been with FLOCERT since 2008 and held a number of different positions in the company. After being the Regional Manager for Europe, he became FLOCERT's Interim Director of Operations in 2023. In his free time, the German native enjoys spending time with his family and friends. When time allows for it, he is active in doing different kind of sports.