
If you feel that the world of Fair Trade has its very own language – don’t fret! We’ll keep you in the know!

With this glossary we’ll guide you through the common technical terms used by FLOCERT, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).

Learn about the wor(l)ds of Fair Trade below!

Navigate the glossary by letter

Closing Meeting
Meeting held at the end of the audit, during which the Auditor explains all Non-Conformities to the customer as well as the score achieved on …
Closing Report
Signed by the customer, the Closing Report outlines Non-Conformities identified during the audit and presented during the Closing Meeting.
Code of Conduct
In the context of ethical trading, a Code of Conduct (or code of practice) is a set of rules concerning labour practices adopted by a company. The …
A formal expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of services delivered by FLOCERT. A complaint can be registered by any third party or …
Compliance Criteria
A translation of the requirements of the Fairtrade Standards, binding guidance documents and FLOCERT certification rules into verifiable control …
Compliance Criteria Checklist
The list FLOCERT uses during audits to check compliance with a certain Standard.
Compliance timeline
The compliance timeline defines the point within the Certification Cycle at which a specific Compliance Criterion becomes valid and must be …
Confirmation Audit
A FLOCERT Digital, Focused or Unannounced Audit, that may take place between an Initial and a Renewal Audit or in between two Renewal Audits to …
Contract number
A unique identification number for a contract.
Contract Production (CP)
In the Fairtrade Standards, Contract Production is a production set-up of small producers who don’t have a formal structure, or who are organised …
Any organisation that receives the Fairtrade Minimum Price and/or Fairtrade Premium from a Fairtrade payer and passes it on to the respective …
Core Compliance Criteria
The Core Compliance Criteria reflect the Fairtrade principles. All producers within Small-scale Producer Organisations and Contract Production …
Core requirements
The core requirements reflect the Fair Trade principles. All producers within Small-scale Producer Organisations and Contract Production set-ups, as …
Corrective Measures
A measure to resolve existing Non-Conformities and prevent their recurrence.
Cost of Sustainable Production (COSP)
The cost of sustainable production is the cost of producing a product sustainably and in a socially, economically and environmentally responsible way …