If you feel that the world of Fair Trade has its very own language – don’t fret! We’ll keep you in the know!
With this glossary we’ll guide you through the common technical terms used by FLOCERT, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).
Learn about the wor(l)ds of Fair Trade below!
Fairtrade Certification
A product certification system where social, economic and environmental aspects of production are certified against Fairtrade Standards for producers …
FAIRTRADE Certification Mark
The FAIRTRADE Certification Mark (“FAIRTRADE Mark” or “Mark”) is a registered trademark owned by Fairtrade International and sub-licensed to …
Fairtrade Climate Standard
The Fairtrade Climate Standard defines all requirements for producer organisations and traders, project facilitators and end-buyers of Fairtrade …
Fairtrade Composite Product
A product composed of more than one ingredient, of which at least one is Fairtrade-certified. In Fairtrade Composite Products, all ingredients for …
Fairtrade explanatory documents
Fairtrade explanatory documents describe how the Fairtrade Standards should be interpreted and put into practice.
Fairtrade Generic Standards
Requirements that producers and traders must meet, irrespective of the product produced or traded, in order to obtain a Fairtrade certificate.
Fairtrade International
Fairtrade International (FI) is a multi-stakeholder, non-profit organisation focusing on the empowerment of producers and workers in developing …
Fairtrade International Board
The Fairtrade International Board is responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation, financial and risk management, and relations with …
Fairtrade International member
A member organisation as defined in the Fairtrade International constitution. Full members have voting privileges in the General Assembly and are …
Fairtrade Marketing Organisation
A national or regional organisation normally created in a country where there is no National Fairtrade Organisation (NFO). It is responsible for …
Fairtrade Minimum Price
The Fairtrade Minimum Price (where it exists) is the minimum price that must be paid by buyers to producers for a product to become certified against …
Fairtrade Officer
All Fairtrade Certification customers must designate one key contact person, a Fairtrade Officer, within their organisation. The Fairtrade Officer …
Fairtrade organisations
Fairtrade organisations that support the Fairtrade system comprise: Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International e.V., FLOCERT GmbH, Fairtrade …
Fairtrade Payer
Fairtrade Payers are the buyers responsible for paying the Fairtrade Minimum Price or agreed commercial price and/or the Fairtrade Premium.
See also: …
Fairtrade Premium
An extra sum of money, paid on top of the selling price, that farmers or workers invest in projects of their choice. They decide together how to …