
If you feel that the world of Fair Trade has its very own language – don’t fret! We’ll keep you in the know!

With this glossary we’ll guide you through the common technical terms used by FLOCERT, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).

Learn about the wor(l)ds of Fair Trade below!

Navigate the glossary by letter

Contract number
A unique identification number for a contract.
Contract Production (CP)
In the Fairtrade Standards, Contract Production is a production set-up of small producers who don’t have a formal structure, or who are organised …
Any organisation that receives the Fairtrade Minimum Price and/or Fairtrade Premium from a Fairtrade payer and passes it on to the respective …
Core Compliance Criteria
The Core Compliance Criteria reflect the Fairtrade principles. All producers within Small-scale Producer Organisations and Contract Production …
Core requirements
The core requirements reflect the Fair Trade principles. All producers within Small-scale Producer Organisations and Contract Production set-ups, as …
Corrective Measures
A measure to resolve existing Non-Conformities and prevent their recurrence.
Cost of Sustainable Production (COSP)
The cost of producing a product sustainably and in a socially, economically and environmentally responsible way that conforms with Fairtrade …
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)
The seller delivers their part of the contract when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller pays the costs and freight …
Cross-border sale (CBS)
The sale of a Licensee’s product outside the country of the licensing National Fairtrade Organisation (NFO), or outside their country of business …
Under certain circumstances (e.g. non-fullfilment of Corrective Measures, non-payment of fees), the certificate of a customer may be withdrawn. …
A generic or product-specific requirement in the Fairtrade Standards that describes a deviation from a Fairtrade principle or aim. Derogations are …
Desktop Audit
Evaluation of compliance if a physical audit is not possible due to regional conflicts, natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, or other high-risk …
Development Criteria
Development Compliance Criteria (only for producers) aim to support producers in their continuous improvement over the years and only need to be …
Development requirements
The continuous improvements that producers within Small-scale Producer Organisations and Contract Production set-ups must make. Average scores are …
Digital Audit
Digital Audit is an audit type that involves a detailed review of the transactions of a certified trader aided by business intelligence dashboards …