
If you feel that the world of Fair Trade has its very own language – don’t fret! We’ll keep you in the know!

With this glossary we’ll guide you through the common technical terms used by FLOCERT, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).

Learn about the wor(l)ds of Fair Trade below!

Navigate the glossary by letter

Fair Trade support organisations
Legal entities whose primary mission is to promote Fair Trade through the provision of technical, financial and business advisory or other services …
The Business Intelligence service for the Fairtrade system. It’s planned to govern and process all core data for the Fairtrade movement, turning …
A supply chain monitoring tool which enables Fairtrade organisations certified by FLOCERT to create a visual map of their supply chain, monitor the …
FLOCERT’s collaborative reporting and assurance platform available for all Fairtrade-certified supply chain actors. It captures Fairtrade …
Fairtrace alerts
This tool scans our reporting platform Fairtrace for critical compliance and reporting issues and sends automated notifications to certification …
Fairtrade refers to all or any part of the activities of Fairtrade International eV, FLOCERT, Fairtrade Producer Networks, National Fairtrade …
Fairtrade Brand Mark
A registered trademark owned by Fairtrade International and sub-licensed to National Fairtrade Organisations (NFOs). It is for use only in corporate …
Fairtrade Carbon Credits
Carbon Credit(s) produced and traded under the conditions laid out in the Fairtrade Climate Standard.
Fairtrade Certificate
Each customer granted Fairtrade product certification by FLOCERT receives a certificate. This document is valid for four years (Small Licensees: six …
Fairtrade Certification
A product certification system where social, economic and environmental aspects of production are certified against Fairtrade Standards for producers …
FAIRTRADE Certification Mark
The FAIRTRADE Certification Mark (“FAIRTRADE Mark” or “Mark”) is a registered trademark owned by Fairtrade International and sub-licensed to …
Fairtrade Climate Standard
The Fairtrade Climate Standard defines all requirements for producer organisations and traders, project facilitators and end-buyers of Fairtrade …
Fairtrade Composite Product
A product composed of more than one ingredient, of which at least one is Fairtrade-certified. In Fairtrade Composite Products, all ingredients for …
Fairtrade explanatory documents
Fairtrade explanatory documents describe how the Fairtrade Standards should be interpreted and put into practice.  
Fairtrade Generic Standards
Requirements that producers and traders must meet, irrespective of the product produced or traded, in order to obtain a Fairtrade certificate.