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We found 106 results for your request

How to join Fairtrade

...the company's Fairtrade transactions (cross-checking documents, contracts, invoices), check the premises (processing installations, storage and production sites), check the correct Fairtrade Price and Premium is paid on time to the...

Trader Production Audit

All certified Trader customers may receive a Trader Production Audit. These audits have the objective to follow up on indications of violations of …

Fairtrade Officer

All Fairtrade Certification customers must designate one key contact person, a Fairtrade Officer, within their organisation. The Fairtrade Officer …

Fair Trade label/Fairtrade label

A Fair Trade label means any recognised Fair Trade product or organisational certification label referring to the relevant Fair Trade standard.
A …

Make an Application Fee Payment

...payment.) To pay any other invoices, please visit: Please click here to confirm that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of our online payment service. Simply...

Follow-Up Audit

A FLOCERT Follow-Up Audit is the result of an Evaluation or Certification Decision. The goal of a Follow-Up Audit is to follow up on all …

Voluntary Best Practice

Additional steps that all supply chain actors can take to foster even fairer trading conditions. These are voluntary and not required in order to be …


Field Workers, artisans or other Workers, including migrant, temporary, seasonal, sub-contracted and permanent Workers, and all other Hired Labour …

Small-scale Producer Organisation

Legally registered organisation of farmers who are not structurally dependent on permanent hired labour and who manage their production activity …

Renewal Audit

FLOCERT Audit conducted at the end of a Certification Cycle before the linked certificate expires. The aim is to verify compliance with the …