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We found 82 results for your request

Submit an Allegation, Appeal or Complaint

...year: Find out what motivates us! Stay up-to-date with our latest news, social media activities and podcasts! Want to learn more about Fairtrade? Visit our Fairtrade Overview page … are...

Compliance timeline

The compliance timeline defines the point within the Certification Cycle at which a specific Compliance Criterion becomes valid and must be …

FLOCERT’s History with Fairtrade

...Countries Farmers & Workers 6.000 126 1.6M 6.000 126 6.000 126 1.6M 1.6M Farmers & Workers Actively improving life & conditions for 1.5M farmers & workers This is a title...

Reactive Compliance Criteria

Criteria related to the reactive assurance approach applied for requirements of the Trader Standard Production chapter.
They apply to all traders but …


A formal expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of services delivered by FLOCERT. A complaint can be registered by any third party or …

Fairtrade Composite Product

A product composed of more than one ingredient, of which at least one is Fairtrade-certified. In Fairtrade Composite Products, all ingredients for …

Core Compliance Criteria

The Core Compliance Criteria reflect the Fairtrade principles. All producers within Small-scale Producer Organisations and Contract Production …

Free on board (FOB)

The seller delivers their part of the contract when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means the buyer must bear …

Podcast with Sonia Cordera on living wage

Podcast with Sonia Cordera on living wage

Exceptions Committee

The Exceptions Committee is responsible for providing guidelines for the granting of exceptions to the Food Composite Product Standard, and for …