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We found 106 results for your request

Regular Compliance Criteria

The majority of Compliance Criteria are classified as regular. The regular Compliance Criteria are linked to minimum and/or progress requirements of …


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Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)

The seller delivers their part of the contract when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller pays the costs and freight …

Submit an Allegation, Appeal or Complaint

… are for concerns about non-compliances by certified customers. Find out what the team worked on last year: are concerns about non-compliances of certified customers. Find out what the team...

Compliance timeline

The compliance timeline defines the point within the Certification Cycle at which a specific Compliance Criterion becomes valid and must be …

Free on board (FOB)

The seller delivers their part of the contract when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means the buyer must bear …

FLOCERT’s role: 3 Questions to Jannis Bellinghausen

FLOCERT’s role: 3 Questions to Jannis Bellinghausen

Who we are

...Group: first in the Mergers & Acquisitions department at company headquarters, then at the subsidiary RUNGIS express where she was Finance Director for companies in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain and...

Reactive Compliance Criteria

Criteria related to the reactive assurance approach applied for requirements of the Trader Standard Production chapter.
They apply to all traders but …

Fairtrade Fee Calculator

...composite ingredients please note that the components will not be counted as separate but as one single product category. Examples of composites are chocolate, chocolate chips, ice-cream, yoghurt (please refer...