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We found 55 results for your request

Small Company

Applicable only for Hired Labour Standard HL_EN.pdf (
Any company hiring 25 or fewer permanent workers. All requirements are applicable …

Food Composite Product

A consumer-ready product (e.g. chocolate) composed of more than one ingredient (e.g. cocoa, cane sugar).

Appeals Committee

An internal quality control body that objectively supervises the decision-making process carried out within FLOCERT. Thus, it is responsible for …

Finance Committee (Fairtrade International/FLOCERT)

The Finance Committees of Fairtrade International and FLOCERT assist and advise the respective Boards on all financial matters within Fairtrade …

Review Committee

An internal quality control body that objectively supervises the decision-making process carried out within FLOCERT.
It is therefore responsible for …

Workers’ Committee

A group of elected worker representatives not affiliated to any of the registered unions in the sector that deals with workers’ rights and working …

Food Composite Ingredient

A semi-finished product (e.g. chocolate chips) composed of more than one ingredient (e.g. cocoa, cane sugar).

Submit an Allegation, Appeal or Complaint

… are for concerns about non-compliances by certified customers. Find out what the team worked on last year: are concerns about non-compliances of certified customers. Find out what the team...

New FLOCERT Impartiality Committee to monitor Fairtrade systems’ certification

New FLOCERT Impartiality Committee to monitor Fairtrade systems’ certification

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