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We found 106 results for your request

Small Company

Applicable only for Hired Labour Standard HL_EN.pdf (
Any company hiring 25 or fewer permanent workers. All requirements are applicable …


A formal expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of services delivered by FLOCERT. A complaint can be registered by any third party or …

Fairtrade Composite Product

A product composed of more than one ingredient, of which at least one is Fairtrade-certified. In Fairtrade Composite Products, all ingredients for …

Core Compliance Criteria

The Core Compliance Criteria reflect the Fairtrade principles. All producers within Small-scale Producer Organisations and Contract Production …

Behind the scenes of an audit: 3 questions to Anurat Patanawiboon

Behind the scenes of an audit: 3 questions to Anurat Patanawiboon

FLOCERT’s digital tools: 3 questions to Frank Brinkschneider

FLOCERT’s digital tools: 3 questions to Frank Brinkschneider

FLOCERT’s History with Fairtrade

...and that certification reflects the latest amendments to the standards. Quality assurance We can offer the highest quality as there is no price competition in which certifiers might be enticed...

Cost of Sustainable Production (COSP)

The cost of producing a product sustainably and in a socially, economically and environmentally responsible way that conforms with Fairtrade …

Podcast with Sonia Cordera on living wage

Podcast with Sonia Cordera on living wage

Exceptions Committee

The Exceptions Committee is responsible for providing guidelines for the granting of exceptions to the Food Composite Product Standard, and for …