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We found 55 results for your request

Update on how we assure trader compliance

Update on how we assure trader compliance

SCORE Certification Model

SCORE is the certification model FLOCERT has in place for Small-scale Producer Organisations, Hired Labour and Contract Production. The main …

Fairtrade Fee Calculator

...composite ingredients please note that the components will not be counted as separate but as one single product category. Examples of composites are chocolate, chocolate chips, ice-cream, yoghurt (please refer...

Child labour

Work that is harmful to a child’s health and well-being, and/or interferes with their education, leisure and development.
As the International …

Who we are

...Group: first in the Mergers & Acquisitions department at company headquarters, then at the subsidiary RUNGIS express where she was Finance Director for companies in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain and...

EDGE Certification

FLOCERT is accredited by the EDGE Certified Foundation to certify companies against the EDGE (Equity, Diversity, and Gender Equality) Standard.
An …

Fairtrade Certification

A product certification system where social, economic and environmental aspects of production are certified against Fairtrade Standards for producers …

The Fairtrade Minimum Price Differential: Ensuring a fairer deal for cocoa producers

Who is responsible for paying the differential? The Fairtrade Cocoa Standard explains that the differential has a similar payment mechanism to the Fairtrade Premium. For this reason, the company responsible...

Make an Application Fee Payment

...payment.) To pay any other invoices, please visit: Please click here to confirm that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of our online payment service. Simply...

Home Page

...sustainability goals. Do you like this? Please go ahead and share! Do you like this? Please go ahead and share! Do you like this? Please go ahead and...