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We found 82 results for your request

Review Committee

An internal quality control body that objectively supervises the decision-making process carried out within FLOCERT.
It is therefore responsible for …

Workers’ Committee

A group of elected worker representatives not affiliated to any of the registered unions in the sector that deals with workers’ rights and working …

Food Composite Ingredient

A semi-finished product (e.g. chocolate chips) composed of more than one ingredient (e.g. cocoa, cane sugar).

Two upcoming Fairtrade certification trainings in Peru

Two upcoming Fairtrade certification trainings in Peru

Who we are

...(Managing Director), Frank Brinkschneider (Director Business & IT Solutions), Robert Fischer (Interim Director Central Services), Tyler Mahn Jones (Director Business Relations) and Sugumar Raman (Director Operations). Our Managing Director Born...

Fairtrade Fee Calculator

...Premium to reach their goals, such as improving their farming, businesses, or health and education in their community. Fairtrade Product Categories include: Cereals, Cocoa, Coffee, Flowers, Fresh Fruit, Fruit/Juices, Sugar,...

New FLOCERT Impartiality Committee to monitor Fairtrade systems’ certification

New FLOCERT Impartiality Committee to monitor Fairtrade systems’ certification

Payment not completed

Update on how we assure trader compliance

Update on how we assure trader compliance

SCORE Certification Model

SCORE is the certification model FLOCERT has in place for Small-scale Producer Organisations, Hired Labour and Contract Production. The main …