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We found 106 results for your request

Product Compensation

When a buyer purchases a product from a non-certified producer or Conveyer under ordinary conditions (non-certified), and wants to convert that …

Standards Committee (SC)

A committee created by the Fairtrade International Board and made up of stakeholder representatives of the Fairtrade Standards. It acts as a …

Fairtrade Premium Committee

A committee consisting of elected worker members and appointed advisors from management. Its purpose is to manage the Fairtrade Premium received for …

Compliance Criteria Checklist

The list FLOCERT uses during audits to check compliance with a certain Standard.

Freedom of Association

The right of all workers to join or form an organisation of their own choosing without prior authorisation from their employer or public authorities.

Behind the scenes of the Fairtrace platform: 3 Questions to Luis Pastor

Behind the scenes of the Fairtrace platform: 3 Questions to Luis Pastor

Developing new services: Interview with Tyler Mahn Jones

Developing new services: Interview with Tyler Mahn Jones


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Social Audits

What motivates us? Visit our Mission, Vision and Values page to find out! News Stay up-to-date with us: Latest news, social media activities and informative podcasts! What motivates us? Visit...

FLOCERT Newsletter September 2024
