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We found 82 results for your request

Intact Platform Login

Intact Platform Login This is FLOCERT's login page to the Intact Platform web portal (formerly called Ecert),* where all our customers, auditors and National Fairtrade Organisations can view or download...

Fair Trade producer/Fairtrade producer

A Fair Trade producer is a producer organisation complying with WFTO Fair Trade standards, or a producer/producer organisation that is a member of …

Fairtrade Generic Standards

Requirements that producers and traders must meet, irrespective of the product produced or traded, in order to obtain a Fairtrade certificate.

Fairtrade traders

An organisation that buys, sells, and/or manufactures/processes, and that has obtained product certification as per the relevant Fairtrade Standards.


FLOCERT provides independent and impartial assurance services. This requires the following five components:

A three-party relationship – the …

Remote Audit

A Remote Audit is the method of conducting an audit remotely, using documentary evidence and electronic methods such as video conferencing, email …

News presented below. Feel free to tailor these to your personal interests by adding or removing the following news categories: 117274 117274 117274 117274 117274 117274 117274 117274 117274 117274...

Force majeure

An overpowering force and/or event characterised as external, unpredictable and unavoidable.
The term is frequently used in contracts; in general it …

FLOCERT’s role: 3 Questions to Jannis Bellinghausen

FLOCERT’s role: 3 Questions to Jannis Bellinghausen

20th Anniversary ‘Vodcast’: FLOCERT’s past, present and future

20th Anniversary ‘Vodcast’: FLOCERT’s past, present and future