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We found 82 results for your request

Developing new services: Interview with Tyler Mahn Jones

Developing new services: Interview with Tyler Mahn Jones

Trader Induction

An e-learning training that all new Traders that enter the system have to take, to ensure that they enter with a minimum level of knowledge on …

Stakeholder portal login

Stakeholder portal login Use your personal Fairtrade email address as your login (example: Please note: Only email addresses of existing employees with Fairtrade domains listed in the "Fairtrade Contactbook"...

Multi Estate

Multi-estates are farms that are composed of more than one estate or several production sites under the same legal structure that apply different HR …

Fair Trade organisation (FTO)

A Fair Trade organisation, also called an alternative trade organisation (ATO), has Fair Trade as part of its mission and at the core of its …

Desktop Audit

Evaluation of compliance if a physical audit is not possible due to regional conflicts, natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, or other high-risk …

Our Mission, Vision and Values

...Countries Farmers & Workers 6.000 126 1.6M 6.000 126 6.000 126 1.6M 1.6M Farmers & Workers Actively improving life & conditions for 1.5M farmers & workers This is a title...


The formal declaration and recognition by a neutral third party and authoritative body that a certification body and its programme is competent to …

Make an Application Fee Payment

...payment.) To pay any other invoices, please visit: Please click here to confirm that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of our online payment service. Simply...

Follow-Up Audit

A FLOCERT Follow-Up Audit is the result of an Evaluation or Certification Decision. The goal of a Follow-Up Audit is to follow up on all …