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We found 106 results for your request

Living Wage SmartCheck

...Enter in the format: Your organisation's name* Please enter legal name of your business, company or association What kind of assurance does your company need?* For more space, drag...

Intact Platform Login

Intact Platform Login This is FLOCERT's login page to the Intact Platform web portal (formerly called Ecert),* where all our customers, auditors and National Fairtrade Organisations can view or download...


FLOCERT provides independent and impartial assurance services. This requires the following five components:

A three-party relationship – the …

Our Approach to Quality

...Any information about the assurance journey of organisations certified or verified by FLOCERT, such as updated procedures, new assurance and compliance measures and further relevant topics, is communicated to all...

Fairtrade Certification

A product certification system where social, economic and environmental aspects of production are certified against Fairtrade Standards for producers …

The Fairtrade Minimum Price Differential: Ensuring a fairer deal for cocoa producers

...Small-scale Producer Organisations. What will the auditor request during a trader audit? The auditor will check all the compliance criteria relevant to you under the Fairtrade Trader Standard. Note that...

EDGE Certification

FLOCERT is accredited by the EDGE Certified Foundation to certify companies against the EDGE (Equity, Diversity, and Gender Equality) Standard.
An …

Fair Trade producer/Fairtrade producer

A Fair Trade producer is a producer organisation complying with WFTO Fair Trade standards, or a producer/producer organisation that is a member of …

Fairtrade traders

An organisation that buys, sells, and/or manufactures/processes, and that has obtained product certification as per the relevant Fairtrade Standards.

Fairtrade Trader Standard (GTS)

Requirements that traders must meet, irrespective of the product traded, in order to obtain a Fairtrade certificate. …