You can search our Fairtrade customer database using "Category filters" or "Keyword search"
How the “Category filters” tab works:
- We have over 6,000 Fairtrade-certified customers. The filters allow you to segment according to the products these organisations and businesses produce or trade, their function in the Fairtrade system, their certification status, or their business location.
- Use the drop-down arrow to see the filter options.
- By using the filters, you can narrow down your search and find specific setups. You are invited to combine filters. To select filter criteria, click on the square symbols in a filter to turn them blue. In the "country" filter, you can select up to three countries maximum per search. Likewise, in the "product categories" filter, you can select up to three product categories maximum per search. Some filters let you further refine your selection. For example, "product categories" are broken down into "product types". If you activate the respective filter criteria, our search allows you to search for more than one product. In this way, you can, for example, look for an organisation which is certified for coffee, cocoa and banana. Please note that if you would like to get the list of all organisations certified for coffee, all organisations certified for cocoa and all organisations certified for banana, you need to run three separate searches. The more filters you activate, the fewer search results you will get. Since the results of your search are displayed directly underneath the filter fields, you can see right away how your selections impact the number of results. Activating more filters will also decrease the number of filter criteria you can see, since the search in real-time filters out the options for which we have no combinations in our database.
- Your selected filters will be shown under "You are searching for", below the filter box.
- To start your search over, click on "clear search" at the bottom right of the tab.
How the “Keyword search” tab works:
- Click on the “Keyword search” tab.
- Enter the keyword you want to search for.
Good to know:
- Results will be displayed alphabetically.
- Any choice you make will impact further options.
- We give a special indication when a customer has joined Fairtrade within the last 24 months.
- In particular when combining filters or selecting 3 product categories for your search, further filters may have fewer options or options that are unticked/greyed out. This indicates that there are no customers in our database for these combinations.
- Results will be automatically displayed as a list, but can be displayed on a map by clicking on the "Show on a map" image on the top right of the results.
- The map view allows you to see the customer’s headquarters location. If you zoom in, unique customer data is displayed when clicking on a unique pin.
- You have the ability to filter for categories and keywords at the same time. To do so, select your filters under “Category filters” and then switch to the “Keyword search” tab and add the keyword you’d like to filter by. Be sure to clear both tabs using “clear search” when starting a new search.
- In your results list, you'll find customer information. In some cases, you'll be given the option to expand the full list of products and types.
- Below the results, you have the ability to navigate to the next pages or jump right to where you want to be.
- Please note the duplication: The product category “Cotton” relates to the Fairtrade Fibre Crops Standard. The product type “cotton” in the category “Textile” is a specification of the newer Textile Standard, the Standard for textile manufacturers that allows for cotton and other “responsible fibres” to be used in the fabric.
- Please note re “Herbs, herbal teas and spices” specifics: Of the 129 Fairtrade types in this category, only the 20 most popular types are displayed. All other types are among “non-specified”.